Back At It!

Good lord! When was the last time I wrote? Scrolling down and looking at the next post is cheating. *giggles* So of course I’ve been tossing topics around in my head for a while but never seemed to throw them up and put them out there. Why? Distractions maybe, or for a while, I didn’t have my laptop. Well I had it but some twat waffle and ass hat got into my laptop and screwed around with it. Luckily I have some people looking out for me and we got it taken care of. (Did that awhile ago but it’s whatever. lol)


A lot has happened over the last year, two years… a lot has happened period. I’ve been bouncing around like a mad woman! Not really but with the many different things that have been going on, it sure seems like it. I could be sitting still and not doing a thing but my damn brain is running around doing laps. Can I make it stop? Sure, if I take my meds and go to sleep like I’m suppose to. I have the worst memory for taking medication I swear. No I don’t do reminders on my phone because quite frankly, I’d get annoyed and delete it after three days.


If I had to take medication to keep from dying, I’d be dead. Forget one dose and it’s over. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I hate taking the damn eighty pills I have to take. I have to take pills to sleep, for anxiety, nightmares, allergies, acid reflux, inflammation, pain, and so on. It’s a pain in the ass man! Of course if I have a drink that evening, I don’t dare mix my nightly meds with that so I skip it.


I posted on my Facebook page last night, “Insomnia, you’re a dick.” It is and it sucks like hell. My uncle commented saying take a few shots and you’ll fall asleep. I will agree with this statement and say that some people do get very sleepy after a few. At times alcohol can relax you but other times that crap will light a fire under your ass and you go crazy. Seen that happen plenty of times.



Writing is starting to get more and more difficult though. Like now, I know I’ve jumped three topics since I started. Why? Hypermania. My brain is all over the place! It’s hard to stick to one thing for long because my brain is going from one spectrum to another. You know those squirrel moments people have? Or the, “Ooo, shiny!” moments? I have a lot of those! Doesn’t bother me though. I find humor in it of course. I always try to at least. Especially now.


Trying to think of what to write about at times and I forget the awesome, amazing and badass idea I had earlier. Why? Cause I didn’t write it down. “You’ll remember when you get home. No need to write it down.” Now I sit here looking at the white screen as the cursor blinks and swear at myself for not making a note. Maybe I should use a tens unit on my brain to jump start some memory up there.


For now though, I’ll just hit these keys and come up with something until I remember a good topic for the next post. Then once I’m done typing, I shall go scroll the web for pictures to use in here. I like using pictures in my blog. It helps to break up all the text and can get fun. It helps giving you a visual of something I might be writing about.


Feel free to suggest a topic for a future post if you like. I’m always open to them and at times, they’re the jumper cables to my brain!

Where To Turn


The hall is empty. The floor creeks beneath your feet as you make your way down the dark corridor. Where is everyone? Weren’t people just in here hustling and bustling along? Didn’t I hear chatter, laughter and off the wall conversation?


Walls that were lit up with the gleam of bright lights are now dull. Rooms filled with music and laughter are now silent and empty. Ceilings lit up with bright lights and crystal chandeliers are now dark and naked.


The only sound you hear is your own footsteps and breathing. The only thing you see is dark and emptiness. There is no one there but you. No one to laugh with. No one to joke with. No stories to be told. No stories to be heard. No smiles to be seen. Nothing.


Beside you where one once stood is now just an empty space. There is nothing there. No one is around. It’s just you. No one to turn to. No one to talk to. No one to ask for help. It’s only you.


The emptiness is heavy. It turns your stomach. Where are you to go? Who are you to turn to? There is nothing there. There is no one around. What do you do?


When will it be enough? Will anything every be good enough? When is it enough? How can you not be happy with something given to you? Why can’t people be grateful for the help given to them? It surprises me as far as how greedy people can be. Well, not only how greedy they can be, but how ungrateful, rude and abrasive. How can people be so rude with the help that was given to them? Hang on… I’ll explain my point further…


Okay, so over the years, but more recently at that, I’ve noticed that when someone asks for help and they finally do receive it, it never seems to be enough nor good enough. Alright, example… someone needed help with their electric bill. It’s summer time now and they were in desperate need of help. Well finally they were able to get through to a church or something and got some help with the electric, but it wasn’t good enough. Yes what they received helped them then but they were already talking about how it didn’t really help them at all.


What?! You just got help from someone to pay on your bill and it still isn’t good enough?! Oh my goodness… I look at it like this, it’s better than nothing. You could have been turned away yet again and received no help at all. Just like a homeless guy. He’s thankful for that dollar or the cheeseburger he’s given. He appreciates it more than you realize. Yes, I know there are those people that stand out with a sign saying they need help but it’s really just a scam. They’re looking for money to go buy drugs or alcohol and when you give them food, they throw it away or tell you they don’t want it. Oh well. You’re always taking a chance when you’re helping someone like that.


I do try and appreciate everything that is given to me. Yes I have my moments when I might not appreciate it then but later on down the road I will. We all have that time in our lives when something is gone and you don’t realize how much it meant to you until it was gone. I will admit to having those moments of course. I have my moments where I’d like to think I’ve matured a little more but we all do with time. Anyway, I just look at it as this, appreciate everything and anything you have in your life because you never know when you’ll lose it. When someone helps you, be thankful because they don’t have to help. A lot of the times when one helps another, it’s out of the goodness of their heart.


I just get frustrated with people not being thankful enough or being to greedy. Oh god, like when someone is trying to sell something and they say it’s worth way more than it actually is and won’t drop their price on it. Oh I love that one. Kind of makes me laugh on that one. I watched a show where a woman had a pearl necklace and she insisted it was worth an absurd amount of money. Turns out the necklace was a piece of costume jewelry and wasn’t worth anything. She yelled and screamed about how it wasn’t costume jewelry and it was passed down through generations and was worth money. …no lady, it wasn’t what you thought it was.


When it comes down to it, be thankful for the gas money someone gives you when they aren’t asked for it. Be thankful for the meal someone buys you out of generosity. Be thankful when someone helps you pay your bill. Be thankful for the gifts that you’re given. Be thankful for what people do for you. I try and say thank you when someone gives me something. When my cell phone bill was paid for me, I tried to remember to say thank you each time it was paid for. I know I had my fits from time to time and was a brat, however I was very grateful for the phone because I knew at any point, it could be shut off.


People, try and appreciate what you have before it’s gone.

Back Into Things

Well, if you’ve noticed, I started writing here again. Yeah, I know I disappeared for a bit and got quiet. Sometimes we get caught up in life and forget about things. Then there are times when things are so chaotic you don’t remember what you were suppose to do let alone going to do. I ran into that quite a few times. I’d tell myself I needed to write and send a letter to my grandma then something would come up, side track me, and I’d forget. *sigh* Damn. I still need to write her.


We all get ran over with every day things that need to be done, then on top of that, you get smacked in the face with more crap that was unexpected. Like this morning. I had gotten up and was going to do my usual, shower, put on a movie or tv show on Netflix, post my ads on Craigslist of things I have for sale and then get something to eat. …I don’t eat breakfast right when I get up… That didn’t happen this morning though. I got a frantic text from a friend saying that his brothers girlfriends van broke down just down the road from my house and she had the baby with her.


I didn’t think I was going because he said he was going to shower quickly and head over there to help out. Nope. I had two minutes to get dressed as soon as I found out I was suppose to go too. I quickly threw clothes on and ran out the door to help him out. We headed down to the store where she broke down and got her and the baby into the car with the cold AC blasting. Mind you, it was around 11am when this happened and it was already 101 degrees here in Arizona. Well, come to find out, BOTH tire rods snapped. You couldn’t push this car out of the way at all. Both tires were inverted and unable to move.


My friend tried calling family that lived close by to help out but no one answered their phone. So he took my friend and her daughter home and picked up his brother and headed to his moms house to try and get the jack to see if they could hoist the car up just enough to try and push the van out of the way of traffic. Mind you, the van broke down in the parking lot thank god, but it was in a spot where a little traffic came and went. Not that big of a deal but still, it was in the way. Anyway, so he arrived and found out there was no jack but on a more positive note, a tire company his brother had previously did business with was going to tow it for him so they headed back.

McCathy Nissan Randburg mechanic working on a car

I am quite shy and I felt embarrassed because I didn’t have on clothes to be standing outside in for an hour. I wore a tank top, no biggie but damn them shorts all to hell. They were short shorts and my god people were staring. I hate that. Well as I stood over in the shade, lets see… one, two…four guys and an elderly lady stopped to see if I needed help. I gave them a short run down of the issue and said that a tow truck was on its way. I thanked them for stopping and asking as I guess no one did when she initially broke down. Two Veterans stopped to ask if I needed help which made me feel good. Nice to know they still look out for people.


Good news, the van was towed and it will be fixed. The mechanic that hoisted the car on the tow truck did tell us what the problem was… the nuts on the tire rods were never put on. That was a local and nation wide tire companies fault whom worked on the car last. The mechanic said that the van could have flipped on the highway, tire flew off, anything could have happened. And they drove about 30 minutes away not to long ago on a trip and could have been in a bad accident there. I’m so glad they were close to home when this happened though. My god.



I can’t believe a national tire company could have missed that. How could you?! You have to complete inspection upon finishing the job and then you clean up after your finished. Wouldn’t you be curious to see two pieces left untouched that were brand new sitting on your tool bench? That would certainly spark my curiosity and make me wonder what I missed. At least the girls are safe though. No harm was done to them, aside from having to wait out in this hot Arizona heat. I hope things work out okay for them though. Those girls have been through enough already. It’s time for their luck to turn from bad to good. They deserve it. Love you girls!

My Apologies

We all have done things to upset one another. At times they are done intentionally and others they aren’t. There are those types of people out there that look to hurt others and enjoy doing so. There are also those out there that don’t like upsetting others and it hurts them if it happens. We are going to upset people one time or another intentionally or not. It is what happens after you’ve upset someone that counts.


If you’ve upset someone unintentionally, what do you do? Do you let it go on leaving the person upset? Do you jump to apologize after realizing what has happened? Do you wait before saying something? Do you sit back and wait for them to come to you? If you’ve made someone mad on purpose you’re really not going to care what they’ve got to say let alone the feelings that have been hurt.

I have a compassionate heart and I don’t like it when people are upset with me. It makes me upset knowing I upset someone else when I didn’t intend to do so. There are times when I speak my mind and I upset someone. Depending on the situation I don’t care and other times I do. We all have a right to speak freely and at times in doing so we will upset someone, however that is no reason to walk on egg shells. At times yes it is called for to watch what you say but hey, you are your own person and can do what you want.


On Facebook I post at times things about a specific person and other times I do it in a general post. There are some that believe my post is about them or someone else I know specifically and that might not be the case. I say that WITHOUT directing it to anyone specific. I’ve been told multiple times that different posts were about this person or that person and it’s like, ASK ME. I’m the one that said it, you don’t know what it was directed at or who. That solves a lot of problems however in some cases I do need to be more specific if I should do something like that.

Another thing I’ve been made aware of after posting something that should have been more specific is you shouldn’t post out of emotions. I was highly upset and I should have been more specific when I had said something, however I didn’t. In making that post public to all of my friends, I made a few people upset and that was NOT my intention at all. I wasn’t thinking at all about how someone could take that post personally and be hurt so much by it. Yes, I did something wrong and now I’m trying to make up for it.


I admit that I was wrong in posting what I did and I apologize deeply for it because it did indeed hurt a few people. I should have been more specific in posting and as much as it hurt to hear it, I’m glad it was brought to my attention. I’ve been so stressed out today trying to straighten everything out and it’s been difficult to say the least. I shouldn’t have posted out of emotion and I know that now. From now on I will try and do my best to say things better and more specific if the case calls for it.

I am deeply sorry for those that have been hurt by my posts. I did not mean in any way for you to take it personally nor to hurt you. I will be watching what I say and if need be, word and direct it properly. I will try my best not to post from pure emotions in the future. I am deeply sorry for what I’ve said that have upset you. Once again, this isn’t directed at anyone specific, this is for everyone that has been upset about what I’ve said that they felt was directed towards them.


I would like to specifically apologize to someone. JMC, I am so deeply sorry I hurt you. I should have been specific in what I said instead of leaving it open ended like I did. I am so very sorry to have put you through what you went through last night and today. I apologize for not specifying the issue/person I was referring to. After our conversation about being more specific and direct about what I say, I am going to do my absolute best on doing so. I am sincerely sorry for what I did and I hope you will forgive me.

Once again to everyone out there that I have upset with what I’ve said, I am sorry.

To you Mommy’s

mothers day card quote copy

You’ve gone through some tough times. Waking up at ungodly hours of the night. Changed diapers you thought HAZMAT should have been called for. Had to clean up a cut or scrape. Cleaned a destroyed kitchen after cooking for hours. Organize clothes, shoes and toys in almost every room of the house. Entertained until you thought you were going to pull all of your hair out.


Some of you Mom’s have had to dry tears. You might have had to lend an ear to a broken hearted child. Held a hand while at the doctor. Packed a lunch or given lunch money on that first day of school. Cried and taken more pictures than you could ever count as they walked across that stage for graduation. Screamed and shouted with excitement as they saluted the flag ending their graduation from Military Basic Training. Been escorted to the front row of seats for the wedding.


Our job description is a long one. It was stated in a recent study that being a single parent was the hardest job. We don’t get a break. We are both mom and dad 24/7 without pay, no vacation, no hazard duty pay, no sick days, can’t be late, and we can’t quit or be fired. We are their world. We are their everything. Our kids look up to us for everything and they pick up on things. They know when we are upset.


Remember when you were upset and sad. A tear slid down your cheek and a gentle hand touched your arm and in a soft voice, “Mommy? Why are you crying?” Remember those little arms wrapping around your neck as they hugged you tightly because you were sad? Remember those random little kisses you would get? Remember when they tugged at your leg because they wanted you to pick them up? Remember how they wanted to sit in your lap?


You have someone that loves you so much (even when they get older and go through those teenage years of hating everyone, they still love you). Even when times were tough, you held on and didn’t give up. You did an amazing job and you still are. You were and are still there when they need you. We have hard times and we have good times. Smiles are shared. Laughing and giggling can be heard. Crying and tears are seen. Teddy bears need sewing and mend the smallest owies.


Happy Mother’s day Moms. You are loved. You are cherished. You are doing a fantastic job and don’t let anyone tell you less. You are fantastic, beautiful, loving, forgiving, brave, awesome and loved.




Oh good lord is it hard to control the tongue sometimes. I tell you what, I’ll get into those phases where I want to crack off one sarcastic remark after another. Why? Because I’m a smart ass dressed in sarcasm, that’s why. I rather enjoy being silly like that and making people laugh. It’s what I’m really good at.

Browsing through items online that are for sale and stopping from posting, “How much for the shoe?” that’s laying on the floor underneath the bedframe. “How much do you want for the placemats?” that are behind the pillow that’s sitting up on the table. “How much do you want for the bottle of Shout?” that just so happens to be sitting on top of the dresser that’s in the reflection of the mirror they are trying to sell.


OMG!! They have black and silver ribbon for $3.00!!!!!

OMG!! They have black and silver ribbon for $3.00!!!!!

We’ve all had to stop ourselves from making that one goofy remark that you knew was going to piss someone off. That or we’ve had to stop ourselves from making a remark that would break up a serious moment. Those are sometimes the hardest for me because I like laughing and don’t like to be serious all that often. I mean yes if the time calls for it then I will be but only for as long as I have to.

I get the giggles as I scroll past a picture even know and want to make a smart ass remark about it and make someone laugh. I do comment on my friends posts with something goofy when I know they are upset about something. I like to lighten the mood and sort of distract them while telling them they are going to be okay. Everything is going to work out and to kill the person with a smile.

Sweet mother of all that is righteous! Where did you get that pink blanket?!

Sweet mother of all that is righteous! Where did you get that pink blanket?!


When someone doesn’t like you and wants you to suffer and be miserable, the best thing you can do to piss them off even more is smile and be happy. I found that out from a few friends as well as doing it myself. Someone tried to make me miserable and unhappy but yet I pushed on like nothing was wrong and kept laughing. They were even angrier than before.

My smile hides the pain, a majority of the anger, and sometimes the depression but that’s only because I don’t want the attention on myself. I want to make other people happy and laugh because it makes me feel a bit better. I’m silly. I’m goofy. I’m sarcastic. I’m a smart ass. I am definitely one of a kind, but aren’t we all?

Smile. It looks good on you.

Smile. It looks good on you.

Okay, I guess I’ll go back to flipping through pictures to entertain myself and hold back the silly questions and remarks. Enjoy!

In hiding

Slowly part the curtains to peek outside. What was that noise? Who’s out there? Was that the neighborhood kids tearing stuff up again? Is it that dog that ran away from the neighbors two doors down? Eyes peering out through the curtains slowly only catching a glimpse of a couple walking down the sidewalk. A sigh of relief escapes your lips as you turn and walk back to the desk where you were writing the grocery list again and searching through the ads.


How many of us feel like we are in hiding? Are you afraid of meeting new people? Did you just move into a new neighborhood? You’d be surprised at how many people feel like that. Another aspect is that some people can’t get out because of hectic schedules. They get up, go to work and come home late and go to bed. There is no time to get out during the week. The weekend is up in arms because you never know what’s going to happen even if you make plans. Getting out to visit is harder than we think at times.

Try and get out and go for a walk in the evening. I’ve seen a lot of people do that. That’s one way of getting out and meeting neighbors. Searching for a group that you’re interested in is another way too. I recently wrote about how I want to start a single parent group. With that it gives those single moms and dads the ability to get out with the kids for a few hours. It’s nothing formal, there is no schedule. It’s more or less a play date for everyone.


Step out of the house and go search for a group so you’re not alone. A lot of us feel like we are alone in our situations but we aren’t. I’m not the only single mother out there that has been through some horrible crap and struggle with raising a child. There are more women and men out there that are in my situation as well. Support groups will benefit everyone. Just knowing someone has been through the same or similar crap that you’ve had to go through is sometimes a relief. Like, “Oh good. I’m not the only one that’s had to deal with this.”

I have visited a support group for Fibromyalgia and I really enjoyed it. We meet up in a cafe and just talk. We share information about doctors, medication, eating tips, there are pamphlets and booklets about fibromyalgia and the experience that everyone has. They talk about their good days and their bad days. The discussion is open and it’s nothing formal. You come to chat with others in the same/similar situation as your own and it shows you that you aren’t alone. I have enjoyed the group a lot and have found out a lot of information. Someone has experience in filing for disability. Another has experience with Social Security.

superheroes with failed movie adaptations 1

I swear there is a support group for everything out there. You just have to know where to look to find that support group for you. I’m not gonna lie, sometimes it is a pain in the but to find one but then again, you always have the option of starting your own group. I know that single parents do indeed need those support groups and play dates. It gives them a chance to get out and let the kids run that energy off and lets you relax for a bit. But there are groups for married couples like that too.

You don’t need to hide anymore. I know I need to get out and explore. I need to find where I fit into this puzzle called life. Do you know where you fit in?

Single Parents

I am curious, how many single parent groups are out there around you? Do you know of any? If you can tally a few, out of them which ones are free? Is there a cost to being a member of that single mom’s group? Is there a cost to the single dad’s group? Or how about a cost for the single parents group? Are there any support groups out there that would suite your situation?

Me and my baby

Me and my baby

I am a single mom of one and I know how hard it is to be just that, a single mom. On one hand yes, it was my decision to become a single mom because I felt the relationship I was in with her father was not a healthy one for either one of us. On the other hand no it wasn’t. I didn’t chose those things that happened to happen. I wanted the exact oposite. I wanted it to work out and tried to make it work. Some things in life are just not ment to work. So alas, I am a single mother of a beautiful daughter.

After moving to a new place a couple of times, I found it somewhat difficult to find a single mothers support group or even just a play group for the kids. Oh sure you can find a support group for single mothers that has a fee. Not all single mothers can afford to pay a fee every month to be a part of a group. So what happens? They turn away and either try and find another group or they stop all together. Should they run into something later on down the road, they might join in.


I recently found a mothers support group, however they had a fee. I can’t afford to pay a fee every month to be a part of a group. Do some people not understand that single parents sometimes don’t have the ability to spend cash they don’t have? It upsets me to think that I can’t find a support group that isn’t costly. Why is it so difficult to have a group for single parents?

After some thinking, talking, and researching, I’ve come to the point where I want to do something about this issue. I want to start my own single parents group. We could get together once or twice a week at a local park so the kids can play and the adults can chat and share stories and advice. Not only that but we could make a trip to the library, it doesn’t cost anything. We could exchange clothes once a month. I know some single parents can’t afford to buy new clothes for their kids so why not trade what they’ve grown out of and get them some things they can grow into?


Along with the library and clothing swaps, we could have a bake sale to raise money to take the kids to a movie or to the local zoo. How about a “Spa Day”? That would be awesome. The kids are the ones that paint the nails and do the parents hair. Kids day would even be a blast. The adults get down and color, play Lego‘s, crash some Hotwheels, maybe even play house and cook. Of course in that instance the parents have to go along with the children painting nails, supervised of course.

With the single parent support group we would be learning how to deal with situations we are going through or future ones with our kids. It gives us the ability to get out of the house with our kids and let them play with other kids while the adults get to chat with someone that is older than 10. The kids are making friends and so are the parents. It’s good for everyone and it helps us to get a little bit of a break.


Knowing that someone else is in the same situation and going through the same things we are is somewhat a relief for us. We aren’t the only one having to deal with this alone. If I remember correctly, it was stated that being a single parent is the most stressful job out there. Think of all the things we have to do? Do we get a vacation from cooking, cleaning, nursing sick kids, transportation, breaking up fights, entertaining, fixing broken objects, etc.? No we don’t. It is a 24/7 job with no vacation and no break.

I myself find it difficult at times to do what I do. I don’t always want to get up early because someone is hungry but I do it. Why? Because that’s what a parent does. They take care of their kid and make sure they have everything they need. Yes need, not want. They want toys, books, movies, games, candy and other things but that isn’t what they need. They need clothes, a bed to sleep in, food in their stomach, a roof over their head and not everyone gets how hard it is to do that and so many other things alone.


I want to start a single parent group for those single moms and dads out there that have to struggle with their kids and what to do. Don’t sit at home anymore. Let’s get together so the kids can play and you can have a little bit of a break. Do you want a few hours to yourself? Go ahead, I’ll babysit for a while so you can have a break. Every single parent needs one. A two parent home isn’t as stressful because they can tag in or out of a situation while a single parent can’t. A single parent has to take on the role of mom and dad. So taking a break from that would be such a relief for some of us out there.

Single Parent support group. That sounds like a good deal to me. Let’s get together and chat while the kids play. Make new friends while you and the kids get out of the house for a few hours. Let’s raise money to have a party that the kids planned.

Are you up for a Single Parents support group?


Blocking. Some guy/chick you were talking to suddenly goes crazy right? They’re talking marriage and spending a life together with you and having kids. Hey, even add in there that before you get married you are suddenly their nanny and are taking care of their kids, doing their housework, being their little bedroom slave as well and helping them with their career. At this point in time you block them from contacting you and run like hell.


We all have to block something someway or another. It may be pop ups on the computer, phone calls from sales people, people on Facebook, etc. Should we really have to go to that extreme though? At times yes. Those pesky collectors calling you five or six times a day six days out of the week get annoying really fast. Pop ups on the computer start flying all over for websites you’ve never visited nor heard of. Mail coming to the house from companies you’ve never signed up to be on their mailing list let alone anything else. Then you have those people that you’ve got to block on Facebook.

We shouldn’t have to go through the extent of things that we do so that we aren’t bothered by all of that Spam crap, however we do. Even after blocking something, it seems that loop holes are weaseled through. Then you have to block that path, then another, then another. It seems to never end at times. We try and go on with our lives but some how we get pulled back into that track. That track that just runs us around in a loop. Hurdles are thrown in your way and many different obstacles as well but you get through them.


It may seem like blocking someone or something will never end but eventually at some point they will. Once they’ve exhausted what seems to be every option, it stops. What if we turned the tables and started bugging them and sending them mail and calling them, etc. They can pester us until we’re screaming and swearing at the phone or computer so why can’t we make them do the same? Flip the script a little bit. Take the Facebook stalker and start doing the same thing they are. If someone is stalking you and hounding you even after you block them, start in with them.

How would they like it if you turned the script around? They wouldn’t like it would they? Some people out there would love it I’m guessing. You’re stalking them because they’re stalking you and they love it. How about let’s flip the cards and you start doing what they were doing. Now they get all uneasy about it and eventually they’re gone and you don’t ever hear from them again. Great idea? How about that guy/chick that throws marriage at you and a whole life together when you’ve been talking for two weeks? Start throwing in the family bit. No vacations, dirty diapers, fights, cost of raising a family, add in a dog to the mix, bills with the car, house, etc. How long before they’re out the door?


Many of us have to block things for personal reasons. Others however just get that little tantrum and block someone for the hell of it. “They’re with my ex boyfriend.” You dated for a week! On the other hand with blocking someone/something it can be business related. You apply for a simple credit card or something then out of nowhere you are getting emails, phone calls, mail sent to you about all of these different offers. It’s crazy. One little thing can send a shock wave through and dump a whole pool of water on you at once.

Try and keep it cool and do what you need to do. Be careful with who you talk to and who you tell things to. You don’t need rumors started. Be cautious of where you go on the internet and what you sign up for as well. It’s better to be cautious and stay on your toes instead of getting hit with a brick wall of things at once. Take your time and adjust. All else fails and it ends up being to much, block it.

Take a deep breath. It’s going to be alright.